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Chardée A. Galán

Assistant Professor of Psychology, Pennsylvania State University-University Park

About Chardée

Galán oversees the Dismantling Racial inEquities Around Mental Health (DREAM) lab. Her works takes a multipronged approach to reducing racial disparities in child and adolescent mental health by 1) promoting resilience at the individual-level through strengths-based approaches to mitigating the effects of racism-related stressors; and 2) dismantling structural drivers of racial inequities that persist in education and training programs, research institutions, and mental health care settings. Galán is a Mexican American woman and the daughter of immigrants.


Talking to Youth of Color about Racism

  • Chardée A. Galán
  • Molly Bowdring
  • Julie Cristello
  • Juan Carlos Gonzalez
  • Nabila Jamal-Orozco
  • Stefanie L. Sequeira ,


"Psychology's Contributions to Anti-Blackness in the United States within Psychological Research, Criminal Justice, and Mental Health" (with Evan Auguste, Molly Bowdring, Steven William Kasparek, Jeanne McPhee, Alexandra Tabachnick, and Irene Tung). PsyArXiv Preprints (2022).

Draws from existing theory and empirical evidence to demonstrate historical and contemporary examples of psychology’s oppression of Black people through research and clinical practices and consider how this history directly contradicts the American Psychological Association (APA)’s ethics code.

"Combatting the Conspiracy of Silence: Clinician Recommendations for Talking About Racism-Related Events With Youth of Color" (with Molly Bowdring, Chardée A. Galán, Juan Carlos Gonzalez, Nabila Jamal-Orozco, Stefanie L. Sequeira, Irene Tung, Alexandra Tabachnick, Derek M. Novacek, Isabella Kahhale, and Beza M. Bekele). Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2021).

Discusses key clinician recommendations for talking about racism and racism-related events with youth of color.

"An Intersectional-Contextual Approach to Racial Trauma Exposure Risk and Coping Among Black Youth" (with Evan Auguste and Jocelyn I. Meza). Journal of Research on Adolescence 32, no. 2 (2022): 583-595.

Explores that Black youth experience racial discrimination at higher rates than other racial/ethnic groups in the United States. Identifies how racism can simultaneously serve as a risk factor for adverse childhood experience (ACE) exposure, a discrete type of ACE, and a post-ACE mental health risk factor among Black youth. Extends the model by incorporating an intersectional and ecodevelopmental lens that elucidates how gendered racism framed by historical trauma, as well as gender-based socialization experiences, may have implications for negative mental health outcomes among Black youth.