Michael W. Wagner

William T. Evjue Distinguished Chair for the Wisconsin Idea; Professor of Journalism and Mass Communication; and Director, Center for Communication and Civic Renewal, University of Wisconsin-Madison

About Michael

Wagner's research focuses on examining how political information flows through news sources and interpersonal conversations to shape attitudes and behaviors. Overarching themes in Wagner's work include 1) the structure of people's political opinions affect their polarization, knowledge, and participation in politics and 2) the ideological flow of the information they encounter affects what people think, believe and how they behave. Wagner serves as Director of the Center for Communication and Civic Renewal, speaking to dozens of civic groups each year, publishing op-eds & analyses in media outlets & consulting with various civic organizations.


Real Voting Equality

  • Ceri Hughes
  • Michael W. Wagner
  • Dhavan V. Shah
  • Jordan Foley
  • Katherine Cramer

Wisconsin is Scheduled to Vote Today. How will the Pandemic Affect Turnout?

  • Jordan Foley
  • Michael W. Wagner
  • Dhavan V. Shah
  • Katherine Cramer
  • Ceri Hughes

In the News

Opinion: "Wisconsin Is Scheduled to Vote Today. How Will the Pandemic Affect Turnout?," Michael W. Wagner (with Ceri Hughes, Lewis Friedland, Dhavan V. Shah, and Katherine Cramer), Monkey Cage, Analysis, The Washington Post, April 7, 2020.
Opinion: "What Makes Wisconsin Swing?," Michael W. Wagner (with Ceri Hughes, Dhavan V. Shah, Lewis Friedland, Jordan Foley, Katherine Cramer, Jiyoun Suk, Josephine Lukito, and Chris Wells), Vox, March 29, 2019.