Jordan Foley

Jordan Foley

Assistant Professor, Edward R. Murrow College of Communication, Washington State University

About Jordan

Foley's research agenda is motivated by a desire to understand how political information flows through digital communication ecologies over time and their implications for democratic governance. Overarching themes in Jordan's work include political communication and journalism, particularly how news media respond to contentious political events and their impact on public opinion. Foley serves as a Knight Scholar of Communications and Civic Renewal in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at UW-Madison and the Assistant Director of the university debate team.


Real Voting Equality

    Ceri Hughes ,
  • Lewis Friedland
  • Michael W. Wagner , Dhavan V. Shah , Jordan Foley ,

Wisconsin is Scheduled to Vote Today. How will the Pandemic Affect Turnout?

    Jordan Foley , Michael W. Wagner ,
  • Lewis Friedland
  • Dhavan V. Shah , Ceri Hughes ,

In the News

Opinion: "What Makes Wisconsin Swing?," Jordan Foley (with Ceri Hughes, Michael W. Wagner, Dhavan V. Shah, Lewis Friedland, Katherine Cramer, Jiyoun Suk, Josephine Lukito, and Chris Wells), Vox, March 29, 2019.