Lewis Friedland

Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor Emeritus, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Chapter Member: Wisconsin SSN

About Lewis

Friedland's research focuses on the changing structure of civil society and the U.S. public sphere. Overarching themes include community and social integration, civil contention, and changing structures of the public sphere and public opinion. Friedland serves as a co-Director of the Center for Communication and Civic Renewal and consults with a range of civic, community, and media organizations on civic communication.


Real Voting Equality

  • Ceri Hughes
  • Michael W. Wagner
  • Dhavan V. Shah
  • Jordan Foley
  • Katherine Cramer

Wisconsin is Scheduled to Vote Today. How will the Pandemic Affect Turnout?

  • Jordan Foley
  • Michael W. Wagner
  • Dhavan V. Shah
  • Katherine Cramer
  • Ceri Hughes

In the News

Opinion: "Wisconsin Is Scheduled to Vote Today. How Will the Pandemic Affect Turnout?," Lewis Friedland (with Ceri Hughes, Michael W. Wagner, Dhavan V. Shah, and Katherine Cramer), Monkey Cage, Analysis, The Washington Post, April 7, 2020.
Opinion: "What Makes Wisconsin Swing?," Lewis Friedland (with Ceri Hughes, Michael W. Wagner, Dhavan V. Shah, Jordan Foley, Katherine Cramer, Jiyoun Suk, Josephine Lukito, and Chris Wells), Vox, March 29, 2019.