Lawrence R. Jacobs
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About Lawrence
Jacobs’s research focuses on presidential and legislative politics; elections and voting behavior; public opinion and polling; Social Security and health care policy; political dynamics in midwestern swing states; and American political history. His center is one of the leading university-based bodies on politics and public policy in Minnesota and the upper Midwest. It regularly hosts high-profile public forums with senior government officials and experts; serves as a go-to resource for journalists; and brings together community and public officials to address pressing real-world problems.
Promoting Health Reform by Embracing State Experiments
A Field Guide to the Politics of ObamaCare Implementation
What Does Health Reform Do for Americans?
What Americans Really Think about Health Reform
Community Clinics - The Hidden Health Revolution
Beyond Class War: Americans Want Government to Promote Equal Opportunity
In the News
Proposes a framework to examine how policy feedback is influenced by the presence of policy threats and partisan polarization. Argues that a policy threat can increase salience and trigger loss aversion, thereby expanding policy feedback even in a polarized environment. Using the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as a case study following Republican control of Congress and the White House, the findings suggest that policy threats can strengthen support for some groups while diminishing it for others, sometimes reducing partisan polarization and ultimately increasing overall support for the policy.
Examines the Federal Reserve as a potent political institution that systematically provides concealed advantages to a privileged few.
Combines existing research with novel data from U.S. presidential archives to show that presidents make policy by largely ignoring the views of most citizens in favor of affluent and well-connected political insiders. Argues that presidents treat the public as pliable, priming it to focus on personality traits and often ignoring it on policies that fail to become salient.