
homeless encampment

2 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on California Housing Amendment

Today the Assembly Housing Committee in California is set to hear a constitutional amendment that would enshrine a right to housing. For reporters...
Greenville, South Carolina

Member Spotlight: Ken Kolb Collaborates with Local Newspaper for Award-Winning Series on Gentrification

“Ken’s work was absolutely essential to the Greenville News project…It was a great illustration of how academic research can reach out from campus and...
homelessness encampment

4 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on California Housing Ballot Measure

Yesterday Governor Gavin Newsom announced that he is putting forward a ballot measure before voters in 2024 that would help house an estimated 10,000...
College campus

New Member Spotlight: Roy Chan on Improving Free College Programs

“Tuition-free programs must remain accessible and affordable for all types of students and should be designed with a promise to reduce the national...
San Diego chapter

Chapter Spotlight: San Diego SSN Collaborates with Civic Organizations in Their City

“As advocates, we decided that working directly with academics to help engage in the design of experiments, as well as the dissemination of critical...
College campus

New Member Spotlight: Lara Perez-Felkner Tackles Inequality in STEM Education

“In order to best support STEM students, and especially, to help underserved students thrive in these programs and open the door for high-paying...
Image of two trains in a station, public transit

Experts Available: Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal

With the details of the bipartisan infrastructure deal finally unveiled, it's clear that there are implications for many sectors of the American...
nursing home

Experts Available: Biden Administration Vaccine Rollout

As the Biden-Harris Administration sets its agenda for its first one hundred days in office, Scholars Strategy Network has compiled a list of experts...
White House.jpg

Experts Available: Biden First 100 Days Agenda

As the Biden-Harris Administration sets its agenda for its first 100 days in office, Scholars Strategy Network has compiled a list of experts who are...
solar panels

Experts Available: Biden Administration Climate Policy

As the Biden-Harris Administration sets its agenda for its first one hundred days in office, Scholars Strategy Network has compiled a list of experts...