

3 Experts Available For Timely Analysis on Marijuana Decriminalization Bill

This week, the House of Representatives is expected to vote on a bill to decriminalize marijuana. However, the bill -- known as the MORE Act -- faces...

2 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on America Competes Act

The Senate is set to vote on the China competition bill today, otherwise known as the America COMPETS Act, teeing up a likely reconciliation process...

Chapter Spotlight: Georgia SSN Collaborates with Civic Group to Fight Local Poverty

“Our focus is on policy research and network-building across the South, so we were excited to support these five scholars as they examine the...

4 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on America COMPETES Act

The House of Representatives is voting on a bill this week that's aimed at boosting US. semiconductor manufacturing and competition with China. The...
Covid-19 test

New Member Spotlight: Harris Solomon Sheds Light on the COVID-19 Pandemic

“ The administration needs to send test kits and masks to every American household…mailing masks and test kits is not rocket science. It will save...
healthcare for pregnant people

New Member Spotlight: Sarah Verbiest Advocates for Medicaid Extension

For this new member spotlight, we’re excited to highlight Dr. Sarah Verbiest and her successful work to help advocate for the extension of Medicaid...
Image of two trains in a station, public transit

Experts Available: Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal

With the details of the bipartisan infrastructure deal finally unveiled, it's clear that there are implications for many sectors of the American...
prescription drugs

SSN Members Inform Colorado Prescription Drug Affordability Law

In preparation for the 2021 Colorado State legislative session, Pinky Reinsch from The Impact Project and Adam Fox, Deputy Director of the Colorado...
Supreme Court

Experts Available on 2021 Supreme Court Decisions: LGBTQ rights, voting, ACA, FBI Surveillance

This month, the United States Supreme Court will release decisions on a number of consequential cases. From LGBTQ rights in Fulton v. City of...
covid vaccine

Experts Available: Vaccine Hesitancy and Next Steps

With vaccine supply starting to match or even outpace demand, many are wondering how we can reach communities and individuals who have not been...