
San Diego chapter

Chapter Spotlight: San Diego SSN Collaborates with Civic Organizations in Their City

“As advocates, we decided that working directly with academics to help engage in the design of experiments, as well as the dissemination of critical...

New Member Spotlight: Andrew Pendola On Solving the Teacher Shortage

“Teachers do not leave the classroom because of low salary; they leave because they feel undervalued. They do not leave because of the students; they...
worker on tracks

2 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on Rail Worker Negotiations

Though a tentative deal was reached between railroad executives and labor unions overnight, likely avoiding a strike, this story once again brought...
College campus

New Member Spotlight: Lara Perez-Felkner Tackles Inequality in STEM Education

“In order to best support STEM students, and especially, to help underserved students thrive in these programs and open the door for high-paying...
Computer chips

3 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on CHIPS Bill

The Senate is preparing a final vote today on the CHIPS-plus bill, which would provide $52 billion to the U.S. semiconductor industry. For expert...
COVID vaccine

2 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on COVID Aid Package

A few weeks ago, Senate negotiators reached agreement on a 10 billion dollar COVID aid package, but Republican Senators stopped the bipartisan bill...

2 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on America Competes Act

The Senate is set to vote on the China competition bill today, otherwise known as the America COMPETS Act, teeing up a likely reconciliation process...
texture file

Statement on University Obligations to Support Freedom of Discussion, Research, and Teaching

Freedom of research, responsible teaching, and civic engagement based on frank discussion are principles that all civically committed academics should...

Chapter Spotlight: Georgia SSN Collaborates with Civic Group to Fight Local Poverty

“Our focus is on policy research and network-building across the South, so we were excited to support these five scholars as they examine the...

4 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on America COMPETES Act

The House of Representatives is voting on a bill this week that's aimed at boosting US. semiconductor manufacturing and competition with China. The...