

4 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on SCOTUS Roe v. Wade Overturn

Many fear that today's historic overturn of Roe v. Wade will have far-reaching consequences for marginalized groups, such as communities of color. For...
Maine Capitol

New Member Spotlight: Winifred Tate Advocates for Drug Policy Reform

“The need for expanding the Good Samaritan law is urgent. To stem this grim tide of death, we must do more, and we must empower everyone, especially...
gun policy

5 Experts Available for Analysis of Gun Control Following Texas Mass Shooting

In light of this week's horrific mass shooting at an elementary school in Texas, gun control legislation is once again being debated. For reporters...
Supreme Court

Experts Available for Timely Analysis on SCOTUS Roe v. Wade Decision

A leaked draft opinion suggests that the Supreme Court is set to overturn Roe v. Wade in the coming weeks. For reporters writing about what this...
COVID vaccine

2 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on COVID Aid Package

A few weeks ago, Senate negotiators reached agreement on a 10 billion dollar COVID aid package, but Republican Senators stopped the bipartisan bill...
Covid-19 test

New Member Spotlight: Harris Solomon Sheds Light on the COVID-19 Pandemic

“ The administration needs to send test kits and masks to every American household…mailing masks and test kits is not rocket science. It will save...

2020 Presidential Candidate Debates: Issues Explained by Experts

With the debates on June 26th and 27th, the 2020 presidential election officially enters a new stage. As you prepare for your coverage of the debates...

Mass Shootings: Gun Violence Explained by Experts

On June 26 and 27th, Democratic presidential hopefuls face their first debate on a national stage. While the debates will cover a broad range of...
Gun control.jpg

Scholar Spotlight on Kerri Raissian

This week's Scholar Spotlight highlights Kerri Raissian, who organized the “Correlates, Causes, and Solutions for Firearm Violence in America”...

Scholar Spotlight: Brandi Blessett

This week's spotlight shines on Brandi Blessett, who recently received the Gloria Hobson Nordin Social Equity Award of the American Society for Public...