
New Hampshire

2 Experts Available for Timely Analysis of New Hampshire Midterm Elections

With the midterms around the corner, Scholars Strategy Network has compiled a list of local, university-based experts who are available to offer...
Arizona capitol

Expert Available for Timely Analysis of Arizona Midterm Elections

With the midterms around the corner, Scholars Strategy Network has a university-based expert who is available to offer political commentary and...

Chapter Spotlight: Virginia SSN Builds Trust in Elections at Local Level

“The purpose is really to improve trust through education by offering a variety of events to clarify and understand what happened in 2020, but also to...

Introducing our New 2022-2023 Chapter Leaders & Fellows

The Scholars Strategy Network is proud to introduce the researchers who are stepping up this year to lead SSN chapters in building a nationwide...

4 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on Marijuana Pardon

Today President Biden announced that he is pardoning all federal offenses of simple marijuana possession. For reporters covering what many consider to...
water pollution

Expert Available for Supreme Court Case Regarding Clean Water Act

On Monday, October 3rd, the Supreme Court is hearing arguments in Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency that could spell major change for the...

New Member Spotlight: Andrew Pendola On Solving the Teacher Shortage

“Teachers do not leave the classroom because of low salary; they leave because they feel undervalued. They do not leave because of the students; they...
Natural Disaster

4 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on Hurricane Fiona

Puerto Rico is once again reeling from power outages and floods, this time caused by Hurricane Fiona. For reporters looking for an expert to comment...
worker on tracks

2 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on Rail Worker Negotiations

Though a tentative deal was reached between railroad executives and labor unions overnight, likely avoiding a strike, this story once again brought...
Pride flag

4 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on Marriage Equality Bill

The Senate is expected to vote next week on legislation aimed at protecting same-sex marriage, but it’s unclear if the bill will receive enough...