
worker on tracks

2 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on Rail Worker Negotiations

Though a tentative deal was reached between railroad executives and labor unions overnight, likely avoiding a strike, this story once again brought...
Computer chips

3 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on CHIPS Bill

The Senate is preparing a final vote today on the CHIPS-plus bill, which would provide $52 billion to the U.S. semiconductor industry. For expert...
COVID vaccine

2 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on COVID Aid Package

A few weeks ago, Senate negotiators reached agreement on a 10 billion dollar COVID aid package, but Republican Senators stopped the bipartisan bill...

2 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on America Competes Act

The Senate is set to vote on the China competition bill today, otherwise known as the America COMPETS Act, teeing up a likely reconciliation process...

Chapter Spotlight: Georgia SSN Collaborates with Civic Group to Fight Local Poverty

“Our focus is on policy research and network-building across the South, so we were excited to support these five scholars as they examine the...

4 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on America COMPETES Act

The House of Representatives is voting on a bill this week that's aimed at boosting US. semiconductor manufacturing and competition with China. The...
Capitol building

6 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on January 6th Anniversary

This week marks the one year anniversary of the attack on the U.S. Capitol. With the January 6th Commission in full swing and a number of events...
SSN logo

Will Privileged Americans Pay to Invest in Our Future?

With D.C. debating fiscal fixes, taxes are front and center. As SSN scholars explain, U.S. taxes are low by international standards and the privileged...
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Choosing America's Future - An Election that Matters

With Democrats and Republicans pointing in opposite directions, the choices U.S. voters make on November 6, 2012 will help set the nation's course at...
SSN logo

Building an Economy for All

America can build a growing, innovative economy with opportunities for all. In a new report, Jacob Hacker and Nate Loewentheil explain how growth...