Wayne Buente
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About Wayne
Buente's research focuses on the interplay between society and information and communication technologies (ICTs); including issues relating to information systems; digital inequality; social media and health disparities. Buente is currently working on broadband initiatives on O‘ahu and neighbor islands.
#Activism – How Twitter Boosts Civic Activism in 140 Characters or Less
In the News
Explores the problematic way that the Hawaiian Hula is represented in current digital classification systems.
Examines how celebrities influenced the Twitter network of the Mauna Kea protest movement against the Thirty-Meter Telescope on the island of Hawai'i.
Demonstrates how education played a key role in the relationship between digital citizenship and electoral engagement in the 2008 U.S. presidential election.
Argues that a First-Mile approach would be a viable and more empowering way to provide broadband Internet service to rural Hawaiian communities.
Examines how the interplay between Twitter affordances and user practices resulted in incidental political effects by automated Twitter bots during an election campaign.
Examines how digital citizenship was a key factor for predicting the value of the Internet as a source of political campaign information.