
Tim R. Johnston

Director of National Projects, Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders
Chapter Member: New York City SSN

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About Tim

Johnston is responsible for directing SAGE’s national training initiatives, developing training curricula and providing consulting services to both aging and LGBT service providers. In addition to training, Tim oversees key national grants and projects, such as SAGE’s National Resource Center on LGBT Aging, the US Administration for Community Living’s Senior Medicare Patrol Integration project, and elements of SAGE’s National LGBT Elder Housing Initiative. 


In the News

Opinion: "It’s Time to End Divisive Rhetoric on Sex and Gender and Create a Trans-Inclusive Feminism," Tim R. Johnston, The New Statesman, June 10, 2014.


"Expressive Touch and the Attitude of Care: The Case for LGBT Inclusive Intake in Aging Network Services" IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 10, no. 2 (2017).

Uses philosophy and care ethics to make the case for including questions related to sexual orientation and gender identity on intake forms and intake interviews. 

"Bisexual Aging and Cultural Competency Training: Responses to Five Common Misconceptions" Journal of Bisexuality 16, no. 1 (2016).

Presents several lessons I have learned creating and conducting trainings related to bisexual identities and bisexual aging. 

"Affirmation, Care Ethics, and LGBT Identity" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016).

Argues that affirmation is not only encouragement or support, but also the primary mechanism we use to form our identities and create safe spaces. Using the work of feminist care ethics and the thinking of French philosopher Henri Bergson, examines responses to school bullying and abuses faced by LGBT older adults to provide the theoretical analysis and practical tools LGBT people and their allies need to make all spaces, public and private, spaces in which we can live openly as members of the LGBT community.

"Affirmation and Care: A Feminist Account of Bullying and Bullying Prevention" Hypatia: a Journal of Feminist Philosophy 30, no. 2 (2015).

Uses my notion of affirmation to provide a philosophical and feminist critique of zero-tolerance policies, and describe why ecological solutions to bullying are preferable to zero-tolerance policies. 

"Beyond 'Born this Way' Rhetoric" philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 5, no. 1 (2015).

Argues that activists need to move beyond the rhetoric of being born LGBT in order to fully respect and advocate for LGBT communities. 

"The National Resource Center on LGBT Aging Provides Critical Training to Aging Service Providers" Journal of Gerontological Social Work, special issues Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Aging: The Role of Gerontological Social Work 57, no. 1 (2014).

Highlights the role and impact of the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging’s training program for aging network providers. Demonstrates that the trainings are effective in changing knowledge and attitudes about LGBT aging.