
Taryn Morrissey

Professor of Public Policy, American University
Areas of Expertise:

About Taryn

Morrissey’s research focuses on child and family policy. Overarching themes in Morrissey’s writings include how public policies, including early care and education, paid family leave, and public nutrition assistance, affect child and family well-being. Morrissey is a Commissioner on the DC Healthy Youth and Schools Commission and has served in senior policy roles in the federal legislative and executive branches and as a consultant for federal and local DC organizations, including DC Action for Kids and the Bainum Family Foundation.

In the News

Guest on Your DC TV, April 18, 2023.
Quoted by German Lopez in "A New Child Care Requirement," The New York Tines, March 3, 2023.
Opinion: "Viewpoint: It Takes a Village, and Supportive Employer, To Care for Family," Taryn Morrissey (with Elizabeth DeMatteis), The Washington Business Journal, October 21, 2022.
Opinion: "It’s Time for a Comprehensive Early Childhood System, Not Another Band-Aid," Taryn Morrissey (with Christina Weiland ), The Globe Post, October 26, 2021.