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Tanetha Jamay Grosland

Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Texas Christian University

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About Tanetha

Grosland's research focuses on politics (political subjects and policy) and the interaction between emotion, leadership, and policy in education. An overarching theme of Grosland's work includes what it means to experience, not just political subjects, but rather what leaders consider important political matters. Grosland served as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Cases in Education Leadership and now is an editorial board member for several journals (Race, Ethnicity, and Education; and Florida Journal of Educational Research).


"Desegregation Policy as Cultural Routine: A Critical Examination of the Minnesota Desegregation Rule" (with Sharon I. Radd and Amanda G. Steepleton). Journal of Education Policy (2019).

Examines the Minnesota Desegregation Rule as a cultural artifact of race-related policy in US public education. Reveals nuances, contradictions, and patterns of power and privilege that serve as masked but powerful cultural signifiers. Finds that while legal and policy remedies are positioned as a means to reduce social and structural inequality, the Rule emphasizes bureaucracy and procedure and de-emphasizes student equity and racially equitable practices. Finds the Rule relies on and perpetuates cultural routines that prescribe technical fixes to address deep structural, systemic, social, and institutionalized forms of racism.

"Desirablizing Whiteness: A Discursive Practice in Social Justice Leadership That Entrenches White Supremacy" (with Sharon I. Radd). Urban Education 54, no. 5 (June 2019): 656-676.

Addresses the emotional aspects of policy response and provides suggestions to school leaders and scholars.

"Desegregation Policy as Social Justice Leadership?: The Case for Critical Consciousness and Racial Literacy" (with Sharon I. Radd). Educational Policy 32, no. 3 (2018): 395-422.

Disseminates of an investigation of the Minnesota Desegregation Rule and provides suggestions for policy designed to address racial inequity.

"Through Laughter and through Tears: Emotional Narratives to Antiracist Pedagogy" Race Ethnicity and Education 22, no. 3 (2019): 301-318.

Disseminates an investigation on the classroom emotional responses to a higher education curriculum as a policy response. Includes suggestions, including a call to include emotions an aspect of education practices.