Shanta Trivedi
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About Shanta
Trivedi's research focuses primarily on the child welfare or family policing system. Overarching themes in Trivedi's writings include how intervention detrimentally impacts families, primarily those who are low-income, minorities and otherwise marginalized, the harm that removing children from their parents causes to children, parents and communities and family policing as punishment. Trivedi serves as the co-chair of the Family Law Scholars and Teachers Conference and is on the Board of the Maryland Child Alliance.
In the News
Explains the history of mandated reporting laws and explains why these laws are counterproductive in cases of intimate partner violence. Suggests a framework of mandated supporting instead of mandated reporting to ensure survivors are able to access the supports they need and children can remain safe.
Draws on the work of impacted parents, advocates, and scholars to argue that a law whose foundation is built on inherently prejudicial policies cannot be repaired; it must be dismantled in its entirety. Suggests a path forward that is led by impacted people and respects the right to family integrity and investing in communities.
Discusses how the "child welfare system" exists to safeguard the well-being of minors, noting that child welfare agencies often exercise their authority by removing children in the aftermath of family crises that less disruptive upstream interventions could have mitigated. Argues that prevention of child removal must include primary prevention measures to strengthen communities.
Argues that children should assert their right to family integrity in legal proceedings against their parents that could result in the destruction of their family units. Comprehensively examines the legal, theoretical, and international law principles that support such arguments.
Examines why the harm of removal should be a featured part of every child welfare decision. Analyzes existing law and legal practices to demonstrate how consideration of the harms of removal can be built into existing legal frameworks to achieve the stated purpose of the child welfare system and truly protect our children.