Seanna Leath
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About Seanna
Dr. Leath uses interdisciplinary approaches in education and psychology to understand and address issues related to the holistic development of Black girls and women in the context of families; schools; and communities. Specifically; her research program focuses on addressing how race and gender identity beliefs support psychological resilience among Black girls; and exploring the influence of discrimination and stigma on a variety of outcomes among Black girls and women.
How the Expectation of Strength Harms Black Girls and Women
No Jargon Podcast
Explores the racial and gendered socio-emotional experiences of Black adolescent girls who were participants in a voluntary school choice program. Finds three themes that emerged, centered on the intersectionality of race, class, and gender in their experiences including: (1) racial and cultural stereotypes; (2) differential discipline; and (3) academic expectations.
Examines racial climate, racial stigmatization, and academic motivation among racially diverse women from a predominantly White university. Finds Black women experienced a more hostile racial climate and less academic satisfaction than women from other racial/ethnic groups.
ExamineS the influence of sociopolitical viewpoints, political self-efficacy, and campus racial climate on Black college students' civic engagement behaviors. Demonstrates that among Black women, negative campus racial climate promoted civic engagement participation.