Sara Goldrick-Rab
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About Sara
Goldrick-Rab's research focuses on students’ basic needs in higher education. Her work sparked the national #RealCollege movement and legislation to address food and housing insecurity. Goldrick-Rab is also the President and Founder of the Hope Center for College; Community; and Justice in Philadelphia and the Chief Strategy Officer for Emergency Aid at Edquity; a student financial success and emergency aid company. She founded Believe in Students; a nonprofit distributing emergency aid.
Improving Emergency Financial Aid Programs to Help Students Stay in College
The Problem of College Students without Reliable Housing
No Jargon Podcast
In the News
Assesses food and housing insecurity among community college students. Bases results of a survey of more than 33,000 students at 70 community colleges in 24 states--the broadest survey of its kind--that describes the extent to which students are adversely affected by unmet basic needs while pursuing higher education
Finds 36% of university students reported being food insecure in the 30 days preceding the survey compared with 42% of community college students. Shows similarly, 36% of university students reported being housing insecure in the last year compared with 51% of community college students. Homelessness was 9% versus 12%. Contends these findings indicate unmet basic needs disproportionately affect marginalized students who often work long hours in addition to academic workloads.
Discusses exploration of Basic Needs Insecurity on the College Campus.
Discusses strategic efforts of college leaders to support students from low-income families who are unable to pay their college costs without experiencing material hardship.
Explores emergency aid program administrative practices at colleges and universities across the country. Identifies commonly used eligibility and fund disbursement practices and provide recommendations for strengthening program processes.