Saher Selod

Saher Selod

Associate Professor of Sociology, Simmons University
Chapter Member: Boston SSN
Areas of Expertise:

About Saher

Selod’s research centers on racialized surveillance of Muslims. A few notable projects include Selod’s work on Muslim men and Muslim women experiencing gendered forms of racialization through their hyper surveillance because of the War on Terror; the global racialization of Muslims; and the experiences of Black immigrant and African American Muslims with surveillance. Selod is additionally faculty affiliate for the Center for Security; Race and Rights at Rutgers University.


No Jargon Podcast

In the News

Quoted by Marguerite Ward in "Muslims Face 'Toxic' Environment in Wake of California Attacks as Islamophobia Escalates in U.S.," International Business Times, December 6, 2015.
Interviewed in "Growing Up Muslim in America," Financial Times, July 19, 2013.


"Criminalization of Muslim American Men in the United States" in The Immigrant Other: Lived Experiences in a Transnational World, edited by Rich Furman and Alissa Ackerman, (Columbia University Press, forthcoming).
Examines how Muslim men have been criminalized and racialized in U.S. airports.
Forever Suspect: Racialized Surveillance of Muslim Americans in the War on Terror (Rutgers University Press, 2018, paperback 2018).

Shows how a specific American religious identity has acquired racial meanings, resulting in the hyper surveillance of Muslim citizens. Investigates how Muslim Americans are subjected to racialized surveillance in both an institutional context by the state and a social context by their neighbors and co-workers. Underscores how this newly racialized religious identity changes the social location of Arabs and South Asians on the racial hierarchy further away from whiteness and compromises their status as American citizens.

"Citizenship Denied: Racialization of Muslim American Men and Women Post 9/11" Critical Sociology (2014).
Compares Muslim American men and women’s experiences with discrimination post 9/11, highlighting how they are often viewed and treated as un-American.
"The Racialization of Muslims: Empirical Studies of Islamophobia" (with Steve Garner). Critical Sociology (2014).
Examines the theoretical concept of racialization and its utility to understand experiences with Muslim populations in Europe and the United States.
"Racialization and Muslims: Situating the Muslim Experience in Race Scholarship" (with David Embrick). Sociology Compass 7, no. 8 (2013): 644-655.
Argues for the need for race scholarship to engage with racialization literature in order to understand the Muslim experience as racial.