
Patrick Denice

Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Western Ontario

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About Patrick

Denice’s work focuses on education and labor market inequality in the U.S. Specifically; he is interested in the ways in which the quantity and quality of education one attains affect earnings and other labor market outcomes; circuitous and nontraditional pathways through education; how policies and procedures in the workplace impact employee pay and satisfaction; and how public education policies and reforms alleviate or exacerbate unequal access to high quality schools. In 2013; the American Enterprise Institute and the Thomas B. Fordham Institute named Denice an Emerging Education Policy Scholar. Denice is also a research analyst at the University of Washington’s Center on Reinventing Public Education; where he focuses on the opportunities and inequalities related to school choice policies in K-12 public education.


When They Choose Public Schools, What Do Parents Want?

In the News

Quoted by Liz Alderman in "Britain Aims to Close Gender Pay Gap with Transparency and Shame," The New York Times, April 4, 2018.
Research discussed by Bruce Fuller, in "The Verdict on Charter Schools?," The Atlantic, February 8, 2016.
Research discussed by Ingrid Jacques, in "Is Common Enrollment Right for Detroit?," Detroit News, June 4, 2015.
Research discussed by Arianna Prother, in "Denver, New Orleans Offer Lessons on Streamlining Enrollment between Sectors," Education Week, May 11, 2015.
Research discussed by Danielle Dreilinger, in "5 OneApp Frustrations: Report Details Parent Concerns," The Times-Picayune, May 11, 2015.
Research discussed by Dan Berrett, in "2 Years of For-Profit College? Earnings No Better than after High School," The Chronicle of Higher Education, April 29, 2013.
Research discussed by Sean Cavanagh, in "Study: Charters Perform Well in Serving Special Needs Students," Education Week, November 21, 2012.


"Does It Pay to Attend a For-Profit College? Horizontal and Vertical Stratification in Higher Education" Social Science Research 52, no. 1 (2015): 161-178.

Discusses the expansion of the higher education market through open-access schools (like for-profit institutions) and how it has given traditionally disadvantaged students the opportunity to attend college. Argues that for-profit students who either don’t complete a degree or earn a two-year degree do not earn more in wages than those with only a high school diploma.

Common Enrollment, Parents, and School Choice: Early Evidence from Denver and New OrleansCommon Enrollment, Parents, and School Choice: Early Evidence from Denver and New Orleans (with Bethany Gross and Michael DeArmond), Center on Reinventing Public Education, May 2015.

Draws from qualitative data - including interviews with parents as well as school and district leaders - this paper highlights the successes and lingering challenges of implementing a system of school choosing that aims to be more centralized, transparent, and accessible than the fragmented system that existed previously.

"The Power of Transparency: Evidence from a British Workplace Survey" (with Jake Rosenfeld). American Sociological Review 80, no. 5 (2015): 1045-1068.

Examines whether the dissemination of organizational financial information shifts power dynamics within workplaces, finding that employees whose managers share financial information earn about 8 to 12 percent more than employees whose managers keep such information secret.