Natalie Blanton
About Natalie
Blanton's research focuses on fertility intentions; childbearing; reproductive and environmental justice; and climate change. Blanton works; teaches; and advocates within the veins of gender; sexuality; and environmental sociology. They are a Sociology Doctoral Candidate at the University of Utah; work as a community health educator and sex education curriculum consultant for the Planned Parenthood Association of Utah; and serve on the Reproductive Justice Community Advisory Board of Utah.
Why Sex Education in the United States Needs an Update and How to Do It
Forthcoming dissertation.
Analyzes surveys taken by parents at a free clinic for information on their health-related quality of life and their concerns about their children's health. Finds low-income parents have higher levels of stress and depression than regular primary care patients, and that Spanish-speaking parents are more likely to worry about their child's health than English-speaking parents.