
Kenneth T. Andrews

Tileston Professor of Arts and Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis

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About Kenneth

Andrews studies the influence of citizen groups; protest; and social movements on public policy. He has led two major studies investigating how local environmental organizations raise awareness of environmental problems and participate in policy-making. Andrews has authored an award-winning book on the legacy of the Southern Civil Rights Movement.


How to Revitalize America's Local Political Parties

  • Kenneth T. Andrews
  • Hahrie Han , Alexander W. Hertel-Fernandez , Lara Putnam , Daniel Schlozman Vanessa S. Williamson , Sarah E. James , Caroline Tervo
  • Michael Zoorob

How Civic Associations Can Create Committed Leaders

  • Kenneth T. Andrews
  • Matthew Baggetta ,

In the News

Opinion: "How Protest Works," Kenneth T. Andrews, New York Times, October 21, 2017.
Research discussed by Rob Stott, in "Study Looks at What Drives Volunteer Leaders’ Commitment," Associations Now, June 18, 2013.
Research discussed by Jessica Ruvinsky, in "Making the News," Stanford Social Innovation Review, Summer 2011.
Research discussed by Jessica Ruvinsky, in "What Makes Civic Associations Work," Stanford Social Innovation Review, Fall 2010.


"Leading Associations: How Individual Characteristics and Team Dynamics Generate Committed Leaders" (with Matthew Baggetta and Hahrie Han). American Sociological Review 78, no. 4 (2013): 544-573.
Shows how the commitment of leaders is greater in environmental organizations that work interdependently and share work more equitably.
"Making the News: Movement Organizations, Media Attention, and the Public Agenda" (with Neal Caren). American Sociological Review 75, no. 6 (2010): 841-866.
Demonstrates that the news media pays attention to local civic organizations that have large membership, have paid staff, engage in routine advocacy, and address issues that overlap with media attention to economic growth and wellbeing.
"Leadership, Membership, and Voice: Civic Associations That Work" (with Marshall Ganz, Matthew Baggetta, Hahrie Han, and Chaeyoon Lim). American Journal of Sociology 115, no. 4 (2010): 1191-1242.
Explains why some civic associations are more effective at developing skilled leaders, enhancing participation, and influencing their communities.
"The Dynamics of Protest Diffusion: Movement Organizations, Social Networks, and News Media in the 1960 Sit-Ins" (with Michael Biggs). American Sociological Review 71 (2006): 752-777.
Examines one of the most influential waves of protest in U.S. history showing that news media helped encourage the spread of protest by college students in the South.
"Advocacy Organizations in the U.S. Policy Process" (with Bob Edwards). Annual Review of Sociology 30 (2004): 479-506.
Synthesizes theory and research on the participation and influence of advocacy organizations on the policy process.
‘Freedom is a Constant Struggle’: The Mississippi Civil Rights Movement and Its Legacy (University of Chicago Press, 2004).
Shows that local civil rights organizing during the peak of the Civil Rights Movement had long term consequences for electoral power and social policy, especially where local organizations and leadership was sustained.