Hua Zan
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About Hua
Zan's research interests include (1) health and health behaviors; and (2) family economic well-being related to family decision making such as caregiving; employment; saving; and retirement.
Shows how a paid family leave policy in Hawaii could benefit the local businesses and the state economy.
Investigates trends in Asian American middle-class status attainment before, during, and after the Great Recession and compare such attainment to that of non-Hispanic Whites.
Examines the financial and time burdens associated with caring for children with chronic conditions, focusing on disparities across types of conditions.
Holistically maps the consumption patterns of older Americans and compares the economic status of different groups (clusters) of elderly U.S. consumers.
Analyzes data from 23 years of the US Consumer Expenditure Survey (1982-2004) to investigate cohort effects on food-away-from-home (FAFH) expenditures using the age, period, and cohort (APC) model.