Heather L. Ondercin
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Ondercin's research focuses on mass political behavior and identity politics in the United States. In particular; her research examines how gendered social identities translate into partisan identities.
Exploring the Trends That Have Shaped America's Growing Partisan Gender Gap
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Shows that the difference in men's and women's levels of political knowledge (factual information about politics) decrease over the course of campaigns. Argues that indirect learning occurs in the saturated information environment created by presidential campaigns.
Discusses that changes in public opinion are an often-overlooked outcome of social movement activity. Demonstrates that contentious activities of the women's movement in the United States lead to long-run changes in the gender attitudes of the country.
Demonstrates that the presence of a female Democratic candidate resulted in voters reaching a decision of who to vote for earlier than in races with two male candidates. Argues that voters use candidate sex as a cue about ideological and non-ideological information about the candidates which results in the faster decisions.
Presents evidence that the gender gap in partisanship is a function of changes in both men's and women's partisan attachment to the Democratic party because of the signals sent by the parties regarding the representation of group identities. Discusses how women have become larger and more visible in the Democratic party's congressional delegation compared to the Republican party, women have increased their Democratic partisanship and men have decreased their Democratic partisanship. Shows that men have moved away from the Democratic part at a faster rate than women in response to Southern Realignment.