Heather Dalmage
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About Heather
Dalmage addresses racial injustice including, multiracialism, racism, global whiteness. Dalmage has led multiple courses on Global Whiteness with travel to deep settler nations. In addition, Dalmage has expertise education with specific focus on the prison pipeline, special education. Dalmage serves on the Board of Education for the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice, serves as a surrogate parent educational advocate, and has published work about probation, restorative justice, disabilities, and pedagogies for liberation.
In the News
Outlines how many schools and juvenile courts are using restorative justice. Discusses that children with communication disorders are at risk of being double punished given the need for forms of communication in the circle process.
Discusses that sociologists may lead many students and others to despair rather than hope. Maintains the solution rests in addressing elitism and the lack of real connection with activist communities.
Reviews, an overview of the platform, highlighting on-line and off-line racism, the article shows how restaurants utilize 'wait times' to keep mixed-couples from dining-in. Explores the concept of time, and supports Charles Mills' statement that "all time is white time."
Illustrates through in-depth interviews with whites that grew up in segregated communities in Chicago and lived through racial change we show the role of nostalgia, bounded empathy and strategic ignorance in the construction of whiteness.
Explores the role of race in South Africa a generation into democracy. Mentions that based on in-depth interviews with folks in mixed-race marriages or long term relationships, the strength of race in everyday life and the power of the Black-White paradigm is clarified in light of Indian South Africans and Coloureds.
Mentions based on in-depth interviews with people in black-white mixed-race families this book shows how the color line is constructed through individual effort, ideologies and institutions.