
Erinn C. Bacchus

Public Health Doctoral Student, CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy
Chapter Member: New York City SSN

About Erinn

Bacchus's research focuses on racial disparities in health including, criminal justice reform and housing and health insurance policies. Overarching themes in Bacchus's writings include, reducing mass incarceration, the effects of housing polices on marginalized communities, and inequitable access to health insurance. Bacchus has written an op-ed on the importance of funding public higher education in NYC and published a report on low income housing policies in NYC for Roosevelt Institute.


In the News

Opinion: "After COVID-19, We Must Save CUNY," Erinn C. Bacchus (with Nicholas Freudenberg and Michelle Fine), Opinion, Daily News, May 29, 2022.


"Advocating for a Single-Payer Healthcare System: What Is the Role of Public Health Academics?" (with Alexa B. D'Angelo and Emm K. Tsui). SSM - Qualitative Research in Health 2 (2022).

Explores how public health academics perceive their role in influencing health policy and advocating for single-payer.  Explains public health academics hold varied perspectives regarding their role in influencing policy, including single-payer polices, with some more certain of their role than others. 

"Trying to Erase the Red Line: National Lessons from a New York Homeowner Policy" (with Naomi Zewde and Raz Edwards), February 2022.

States most household wealth is held in home equity. Mentions early 20th century federal policies increased homeownership for middle-class Americans—but these policies were explicitly racially exclusionary, employing a system of “redlining." Discusses though the overtly racist policy of redlining officially ended with the Fair Housing Act of 1968, real state segregation has persisted and continues today.