
Elizabeth W. Patton

Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Boston University
Chapter Member: Boston SSN
Areas of Expertise:

About Elizabeth

Patton is a practicing obstetrician-gynecologist and health services researcher. She tries to understand how we can improve the health care system; particularly in the area of reproductive health. She is particularly interested in how individual and social values influence our health care decisions and policies; including the influence of religion and spirituality on reproductive health policies. She has collaborated with the federal government on reproductive health systems and policy at both the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation; and the VA National Office of Reproductive Health. Patton continues to collaborate actively with the VA and is committed to working to provide women veterans with excellent care.


How Comprehensive Payment Policies for Medicaid Can Help Patients Gain Access to Long-Acting Contraception

    Veronica X. Vela , Peter Shin Susan F. Wood , Sara Rosenbaum

In the News

Opinion: "TV News Stories about Birth Control Quote Politicians and Priests More Often than Medical Experts," Elizabeth W. Patton (with Michelle Moniz), The Conversation, August 29, 2016.
Research discussed by Patricia Miller, in "Nightly News Turns to Bishops about Contraception More Often than Docs," Religion Dispatches, May 8, 2015.
Research discussed by Patricia Miller, in "What Do Religious Women Think of the Contraceptive Mandate?," The Atlantic, March 22, 2015.
Guest on Reproductive Health Reality Check, March 9, 2015.


"A Population-Based Study of U.S. Women's Preferred versus Usual Sources of Reproductive Health Care" (with Kelli Hall, Halley Crissman, Melissa Zochowski, and Vanessa Dalton). American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 213, no. 3 (2015): 352.e1-352.e14.

Analyzes a nationally representative survey examining women's preferences for reproductive health care, in light of anticipated changes with the passage and implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

"U.S. Women’s Intended Sources for Reproductive Health Care" (with Halley Crissman, Kelli Hall, Melissa Zochowski, Matthew Davis, and Vanessa Dalton). Journal of Women’s Health 25, no. 1 (2016): 91-98.

Analyzes respondents to the Mott National Poll on Children's Health. Examines women's intended sources of care for reproductive health care in the context of key factors including insurance status, ethnicity, income and education. Focuses on the role of family planning clinics in the era of the Affordable Care Act.

"Health Services Research in Obstetrics and Gynecology: The Legacy of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Clinical Scholars" (with Michelle Moniz and Rebekah Gee). Current Opinions in Obstetrics and Gynecology 26, no. 6 (2014): 545-549.

Highlights the development of Health Services Research in Obstetrics and Gynecology, including the key role played by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and notable alumnae of the program.

"How Does Religious Affiliation Affect Attitudes towards Reproductive Health Policy? Implications for the ACA" (with Kelli Hall and Vanessa Dalton). Contraception 91, no. 6 (2015): 513-519.

Discusses results of a nationally representative survey of U.S. women's attitudes towards reproductive health care, and health care policy in light of the passage of the Affordable Care Act. Examines the impact of self-identified religious affiliation on attitudes towards reproductive health policies.