Efrén Pérez
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About Efrén
Pérez's research centers on political psychology, with specific interests in intergroup politics, group identity, language and political thinking, implicit political cognition, and psychometrics. He has published more than thirty peer-reviewed articles and four books, including Diversity’s Child: People of Color and the Politics of Identity (Chicago University Press) and Voicing Politics: How Language Shapes Public Opinion (Princeton University Press). In addition to his research, Pérez directs the Race, Ethnicity, Politics, and Society (REPS) Lab at UCLA.
In the News
Brings together the latest findings from psychology and political science to reveal how linguistic peculiarities of different languages can have meaningful consequences for political attitudes and beliefs around the world.
Examines when and why multiple minority groups become politically unified and how these coalitions fall apart. Explores the impact of America's changing demographics, and argues that this demographic transformation is shaping a new identity for many as people of color.