
Don Grant

Professor of Sociology and Director of the Social Innovation Program and the Care, Health and Resilience Program, University of Colorado Boulder
Chapter Member: Colorado SSN
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About Don

In addition to studying the organizational; world-system; and world society determinants of electricity-based CO2 emissions (with Professors Jorgenson and Longhofer); Grant is conducting a study funded by the National Science Foundation on the effects of U.S. states’ climate change policies on power plants’ greenhouse gas releases and research on the work environments of health care professionals. He is currently a board member of Borderlinks in Tucson; AZ; a binational organization devoted to educating the public about issues surrounding the U.S./Mexico border. He previously served as the spokesperson for a community-based organization affiliated the Industrial Areas Foundation that succeeded in passing the first two living wage ordinances in a right-to-work state (Arizona).


Targeting Extreme Polluters to Reduce Carbon Emissions from the Electricity Sector

  • Andrew K. Jorgenson
  • Wesley Longhofer


"Bringing the Polluters Back In: Environmental Inequality and the Organization of Chemical Production" (with Mary Nell Trautner, Liam Downey, and Lisa Thiebaud). American Sociological Review 75, no. 4 (2010): 479-504.
Examines which types of chemical plants emit the most health-threatening toxins and in which types of communities.
"Organizational Size and Pollution: The Case of the U.S. Chemical Industry" (with Andrew Jones and Albert Bergesen). American Sociological Review 67, no. 3 (2002): 389-407.
Scrutinizes competing predictions about the effects of organizational size on emission outcomes.