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About David
Jones’ research focused on U.S. health policy; federalism; and policy implementation. He also studied the intergovernmental dynamics of health policy in France and Canada. In January 2012 he testified before the Health Policy Committee of the Michigan House of Representatives concerning the creation of a health insurance exchange. He was regularly invited by hospitals to speak on health care reform. He also served on the Board of Directors for Community Action Network Southeast Ann Arbor. Before graduate school he interned in the Idaho House of Representatives; in Congressman Charlie Rangel’s district office in Harlem; NY; and for the Chair of the Health Committee of the Canadian House of Commons.
Halting Progress for ObamaCare in Michigan
Basic Facts Brief,
Idaho Republicans Decide to Build Their Own Exchange
Basic Facts Brief,
Should States Create Exchanges to Implement ObamaCare?
Basic Facts Brief,
In the News
Research discussed by "Medicaid Expansion Hangs in Balance in Michigan Gov Race," The Detroit News, September 18, 2018.
, in Opinion: "The ACA is Here to Stay, but That Doesn’t Mean the Fight for Health Care Reform is Over," David K. Jones, The Conversation, July 16, 2015.
Opinion: "Five Surprises from the Supreme Court’s ‘ObamaCare’ Decision," David K. Jones, Al Jazeera America, June 27, 2015.
Quoted by Sarah Kliff in "ObamaCare's Escape Hatch: The Controversial Way Obama Could Save Health Reform," Vox, June 25, 2015.
Opinion: "Who’s to Blame if ‘ObamaCare’ Loses Supreme Court Case?," David K. Jones, Al Jazeera America, June 24, 2015.
Opinion: "States Have ‘No B Plan’ if the Supreme Court Scraps Health-Care Subsidies," David K. Jones (with ), The Washington Post, June 11, 2015.
Opinion: "Expanding Medicaid without 'ObamaCare'," David K. Jones (with ), Al Jazeera America, April 17, 2014.
Opinion: "Michigan Battle over ObamaCare Becomes Fight for Soul of GOP," David K. Jones, Al Jazeera America, October 6, 2013.
Opinion: "The State of Implementation: Health Reform and the 2012 Elections," David K. Jones (with ), Health Affairs Blog, November 5, 2012.
Research discussed by "Healthcare Reform: Two Years Gone, Now What’s on the Horizon?," Becker’s Hospital Review, February 13, 2012.
, in Research discussed by "The Fate of Health Reform – What to Expect in 2012 – NEJM,", January 11, 2012.
, in Quoted by in "States Face Host of Political Challenges on Implementation Path," Politico, January 11, 2012.
"The Changing Landscape of Medicaid: Practical and Political Considerations for Expansion" (with ). Journal of the American Medical Association (online-first article, April 2014).
Explores the effects of implementing the Affordable Care Act reforms and Medicaid expansion through the states, rather than through the federal government, and how this arrangement increases the number of elected officials able to influence implementation.
"Politiques de Santé: The Regional Centralization of French Health Policy" in Federalism and Decentralization in European Health and Social Care: Policy Innovation, Competition and Cohesion, edited by Joan Costa i Font and Scott L. Greer, (Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming).
Examines the intergovernmental dynamics affecting the implementation of France’s 2009 health reform law. Based on interviews with French policymakers, this chapter explores tension over the centralizing and decentralizing nature of the creation of new regional health agencies.
"The Fate of Health Reform – What to Expect in 2012" New England Journal of Medicine 366, no. 4 (2012).
Argues that although the Affordable Care Act was a significant legislative achievement for Congress and President Obama, what it actually accomplishes will be determined by how it is implemented. Four key events in 2012 are identified as playing a large role in shaping the long-term fate of the reform, including the Supreme Court ruling and the November elections. Importantly, the timing of these events was in conflict with the timing of state legislative sessions and federal grant deadlines.
"Predicting the Fallout from King v. Burwell — Exchanges and the ACA" (with ). The New England Journal of Medicine 372, no. 2 (2015): 101-104.
Discusses the possible invalidation of the IRS rule, contingent on the King vs. Burwell ruling, and the effects such an outcome would have on state officials, the insurance market, and millions of Americans
"Pascal’s Wager: Republican Divisions over Implementing Health Reform" (with ), Midwest Political Science Conference, March 2012.
Illuminates the dilemma facing state Republican policymakers over whether to create health insurance exchanges. Relying on dozens of interviews, we trace the evolution of the division among Republicans, discussing the role of the Tea Party and time horizons to account for the differences in reaction.
"Mapping Infectious Disease Control in the European Union" (with ). Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and Law 37, no. 6 (2012): 934-952.
Argues that the landscape of infectious disease control in the European Union is crowded, fragmented, and regionally disparate, showing no signs of constituting a shared model.
"Individual and Societal Responsibility for Health" (with ) in Debates on U.S. Health Care Reform, edited by Jennie Jacobs Kronenfeld, Wendy E. Parmet, and Mark A. Zezza, (Sage Publications, 2012), 48-60.
Outlines both sides of the debate over whether health is a societal or individual responsibility. On one hand, notions of individual autonomy and responsibility run deep in the American psyche. On the other hand, health is influenced by social, political, and economic forces beyond personal control.