Andrea Swartzendruber
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About Andrea
Swartzendruber is a reproductive health epidemiologist with more than 20 years of public health research and program experience. Her areas of expertise include maternal and child health, sexual and reproductive health, and adolescent health. Prior to earning her PhD, she worked for 9 years at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on HIV prevention both domestically and globally and collaborated with the World Health Organization and other United Nations agencies. She has a special interest in public health policy and advocacy and completed a one-year fellowship to gain skills and training to support state-level policy aimed at improving the health and safety of women and girls.
In the News
Analyzes Georgia pregnancy resource centers' websites to describe advertised services and related health information. Shows a high level of false and misleading health information and services that do not appear to align with prevailing medical guidelines.
Makes the case for an integrated sexual health approach as the most efficient and effective strategy for improving poor sexual and reproductive health indicators in the United States.