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Alicia Sasser Modestino

Associate Professor of Public Policy and Urban Affairs and Economics; Research Director, Dukakis Center for Urban and Regional Policy, Northeastern University
Chapter Member: Boston SSN
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About Alicia

Modestino's research focuses on labor and health economics. Overarching themes in Modestino's writings include youth labor market attachment, skills mismatch, migration, and the impact of health care reform on employers. Modestino serves as the Associate Director of the Dukakis Center for Urban and Regional Policy and a Nonresident Scholar for the Brookings Institution. She also serves on the boards of the Massachusetts Housing Partnership and MassBenchmarks, a project that mobilizes economic experts around the state to produce relevant assessments of the Massachusetts' economy through reports, commentary, and analysis. Modestino also served on the Massachusetts Governor's Task Force on Economic Opportunity for Populations Facing Chronically High Levels of Unemployment for 2015-16.


Economists' Letter on Recovery Policy

    Elizabeth Oltmans Ananat
  • Peter Diamond
  • Darrick Hamilton
  • Carolyn J. Heinrich
  • Matthew Kraft
  • Alicia Sasser Modestino

In the News

Opinion: "Year-Round Benefits From Summer Jobs," Alicia Sasser Modestino (with Richard Paulsen), Education Next, August 15, 2023.
Quoted by Cyrus Moulton in "Northeastern Celebrates a Summer of Empowering Young People From Underserved Communities To Succeed," Northeastern Global News, August 11, 2023.
Opinion: "A Time for Work," Alicia Sasser Modestino, Vital City, June 27, 2023.
Research discussed by Simón Rios, in "Stubborn Zoning Boards Tied to Segregation in Boston Area, Report Finds," WBUR 90.9, June 26, 2019.


"School’s Out: How Summer Youth Employment Programs Impact Academic Outcomes" (with Richard Paulsen). Education Finance and Policy 18, no. 1 (2023): 97-126.

Provides experimental evidence regarding a particular type of out-of-school activity—early work experience—on high school academic outcomes for low-income inner-city youth. Findings show that Boston Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) lottery winners are 4.4 percentage points more likely to graduate from high school on time and 2.5 percentage points less likely to drop out of high school during the four years after participating in the program relative to the control group. Survey data suggest that the Boston SYEP may affect academic outcomes by increasing aspirations to attend college, gaining basic work habits, and improving social skills during the summer.

"The Importance of Middle-Skill Jobs" Issues in Science and Technology, The Criminalization of Immigration (2016).

Defines middle-skill workers and jobs, and discusses trends in the middle-skill labor market and how to overcome market frictions.

How Can Summer Jobs Reduce Crime among Youth? An Evaluation of the Boston Summer Youth Employment ProgramHow Can Summer Jobs Reduce Crime among Youth? An Evaluation of the Boston Summer Youth Employment Program Brookings Institution, 2018-01-05.

Uses a randomized control trial to examine whether the Boston summer youth employment program reduced crime and explore whether short-term behavioral and attitudinal changes related to participation in the program are linked to crime reduction

"Downskilling: Changes in Employer Skill Requirements over the Business Cycle" (with Daniel Shoag and Joshua Ballance). Labour Economics 41 (2016): 333-347.

Shows that employer skill requirements fell as the labor market improved from 2010 to 2014. Finds that a one percentage point reduction in the local unemployment rate is associated with a roughly 0.27 percentage point reduction in the fraction of jobs requiring at least a bachelor's degree and a roughly 0.23 percentage point reduction in the fraction requiring five or more years of experience. Implies that this labor market-induced downskilling reversed much of the cyclical increase in education and experience requirements that occurred during the Great Recession.

"Are American Homeowners Locked into Their Houses? The Impact of Housing Market Conditions on State-to-State Migration" (with Julia Dennett). Regional Science and Urban Economics 43 (2013): 322-337.

Discovers evidence that "house lock" decreases mobility but finds that it has a negligible impact on the national unemployment rate. Shows that the impact of reduced mobility due to negative housing equity on the national unemployment rate is likely to be small — on the order of less than one-tenth os a percentage point each year.

Reducing Inequality Summer by Summer: An Analysis of the Short-Term and Long-Term Effects of Boston's Summer Youth Employment ProgramReducing Inequality Summer by Summer: An Analysis of the Short-Term and Long-Term Effects of Boston's Summer Youth Employment Program Mayor's Office of Workforce Development and Northeastern University's Dukakis Center for Urban and Regional Policy, 2017-12-01.

Assesses the impact of of the Boston Summer Youth Employment Program on employment, education, and criminal justice outcomes, specifically for low-income youth. Aims to better understand the program features that leas to positive long-term outcomes, so that limited Summer Youth Employment Program funds can be used most effectively.