
US Congress Building

Experts Available: Democrats' $3.5 Trillion Reconciliation Package

This week, Democrats unveiled the details of their $3.5 trillion reconciliation package. As it stands, this massive package includes many of the Biden...
New Mexico

Tax Day Feature: New Mexico SSN Helps Families Recover Tax Credits

It's Tax Day 2021. And just like every year, the Earned Income Tax Credit will help low- and moderate-income families across the country keep more of...

Experts Available: Biden's American Jobs Plan and American Families Plan

With the COVID-19 relieve bill behind him, Biden is moving forward with two bold proposals to reshape the American economy. The first proposal, the...
Statue of Liberty

Experts Available: House Immigration Bills on Dreamers and Farmworkers

This week, the House of Representatives will vote on two immigration bills: the American Dream and Promise Act (regarding Dreamers) and the Farm...
Senate chamber

Experts Available: Violence Against Women Act

This week, the House of Representatives will vote on a reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). For reporters covering this bill, the...

Experts Available: Immigration Bill

Today, the White House announced a sweeping immigration bill which would create a pathway to citizenship, clear asylum applicant backlogs, and more...
White House.jpg

Experts Available: Biden First 100 Days Agenda

As the Biden-Harris Administration sets its agenda for its first 100 days in office, Scholars Strategy Network has compiled a list of experts who are...
statue of liberty

Experts Available: Biden Administration Immigration Policy

As the Biden-Harris Administration sets its agenda for its first one hundred days in office, Scholars Strategy Network has compiled a list of experts...

Experts Available: Biden Administration Stimulus Package

As the Biden-Harris Administration sets its agenda for its first one hundred days in office, Scholars Strategy Network has compiled a list of experts...
supreme court

SCOTUS Census Case Explained by the Experts

On Monday, November 30th the US Supreme Court is hearing a case on whether or not the Trump Administration can exclude undocumented immigrants from...