
Wall Street

Pandemic Economics: Labor and the Economy During COVID-19 Explained by Experts

With the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact being felt in every area of American life, it is more important than ever to provide rigorous research to inform...

The COVID-19 Crisis Explained by Experts

With the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact being felt in every area of American life, it is more important than ever to provide rigorous research to inform...

Forum on San Diego's Future: San Diego SSN Members Share their Recommendations

Eight members of San Diego SSN wrote the memos to provide research-based resources on issues being discussed by candidates for city and county office...

Experts Available: USMCA

This Wednesday, January 29th, President Trump will sign the U.S.-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) trade agreement into law . If you're looking for expertise on...
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Experts Available: State Funding for Religious Schools

Next week, the Supreme Court will hear arguments in Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, a case concerning the allocation of state funding for...

Experts Available: Human Trafficking

January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month. In the 20 years since the passage of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act...

Experts Available: Restoring Voting Rights to People with Felony Convictions

This week, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear signed an executive order restoring voting rights to people who have been convicted of past felonies. This...

Experts Available: Death Penalty Sentencing

On December 11th, the Supreme Court will hear the case of McKinney v. Arizona, examining the role of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a...

Experts Available: GM Strike

This week, nearly 50,000 General Motors (GM) employees across the country walked out after GM and the United Auto Workers (UAW) union failed to...
gun control

Experts Available: Gun Control

As the House marks up additional gun control legislation, the White House prepares to release their own proposal, and the 2020 Democratic presidential...