

Researcher-Reporter Relationships: Q&A with Jules Boykoff and Melissa Chan

On April 10, Emmy-nominated freelance journalist Melissa Chan and media savvy SSN member Dr. Jules Boykoff joined us for a Q&A focused on researcher...

Talking to a Reporter, Featuring Newsweek Journalist Nick Mordowanec

On March 14, Newsweek political reporter Nick Mordowanec joined us for a Q&A focused on what reporters look for in interviews with researchers. Here...
Rural Midwest

New Member Spotlight: L.J. McElravy Advocates for Compromise in Nebraska

SSN is excited to welcome L.J. McElravy, an associate professor of leadership at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, as the 1900th member to join the...
Climate seminar

4 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on International Climate Summit

With COP28 (the annual international climate summit convened by the United Nations) kicking off in a few days, all eyes are on the climate crisis and...
Farmers Market

New Member Spotlight: Saria Lofton Advocates for Food is Medicine Programs in Illinois

The Scholars Strategy Network is thrilled to spotlight a new and dedicated member of the network, Professor Saria Lofton. As an Assistant Professor of...
Supreme Court

4 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on SCOTUS Social Media Cases

Tomorrow the U.S. Supreme Court will be hearing two cases – O’Connor-Ratcliff v. Garnier and Lindke v. Freed –both focused on whether individuals have...

New Member Spotlight: Kristina Bohdanova Brings Proactive Mental Health Care to Ukrainians

“We see Sane Ukraine's work as preventative against PTSD, depression, anxiety, and all the outcomes of prolonged traumatic stress.” - Kristina...
prescription drugs

1 Expert Available for Timely Analysis on Prescription Drug Price Negotiations

Today the Biden administration released a list of 10 expensive prescription drugs chosen for Medicare price negotiations with pharmaceutical...

4 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on EPA Wetlands Rule

To comply with the Supreme Court's recent Sackett decision, the EPA issued a final rule that could strip protections from a large portion of America's...
White House

New Member Spotlight: Niki vonLockette Builds Relationships at White House Event

The core of the Scholars Strategy Network’s mission is helping researchers connect and build relationships with policymakers, civic leaders, and the...