
New Mexico

Chapter Spotlight: New Mexico SSN Helps Combat Youth Homelessness

“There's been a big push at the state level and local level, to figure out what to do about homelessness and be really effective at it. In this case...
San Diego chapter

Chapter Spotlight: San Diego SSN Collaborates with Civic Organizations in Their City

“As advocates, we decided that working directly with academics to help engage in the design of experiments, as well as the dissemination of critical...

Forum on San Diego's Future: San Diego SSN Members Share their Recommendations

Eight members of San Diego SSN wrote the memos to provide research-based resources on issues being discussed by candidates for city and county office...
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The Supreme Court after Scalia

The abrupt death of conservative Justice Antonin Scalia is sending shockwaves through U.S. politics and legal worlds. Writing for the media and cited...
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Will the Supreme Court Re-Ignite the Health Reform Wars?

With the Affordable Care Act working surprisingly well, conflicts have cooled a bit. But if the Supreme Court eliminates insurance subsidies for...
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The Supreme Court Issues Historic Decisions

Late June brings decisions from the Supreme Court – and June 2015 will long be remembered for blockbuster pronouncements. Writing for the media or...
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The Future of Health Reform

On Thursday, June 28, 2012, a majority of the United States Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act – one of the most important social policy...