
Connecticut Capitol

Chapter Spotlight: Connecticut SSN Brings Researchers and Policymakers Into the Same Room

It was an honor to participate in this first-of-its-kind conference, and I’m looking forward to seeing the results.” - Susan Bysiewicz, Lieutenant...
Maine State House

Maine SSN Builds Pipeline for Policy Impact with Fellows Program

"Faculty members and scholars have a wealth of knowledge and information that can help inform and shape the major debates in our state." - John...
San Diego chapter

Chapter Spotlight: San Diego SSN Collaborates with Civic Organizations in Their City

“As advocates, we decided that working directly with academics to help engage in the design of experiments, as well as the dissemination of critical...

Chapter Spotlight: Confluence SSN Highlights State Election Changes

“Election rules keep changing. So there's always new things to try and explain to people,” David Kimball, Confluence SSN co-leader As voters all...

Chapter Spotlight: Virginia SSN Builds Trust in Elections at Local Level

“The purpose is really to improve trust through education by offering a variety of events to clarify and understand what happened in 2020, but also to...

Chapter Spotlight: Alabama SSN Collaborates with Local Civic Organizations

“Through our 2022 partnership with SSN's Dr. Peter Jones, Alabama Appleseed was for the first time able to tell lawmakers just how expensive it is to...

Chapter Spotlight: Connecticut SSN Starts Column in Local News Outlet

“The Connecticut Mirror focuses sharply on state politics and public policy, and runs a popular public forum that lets non-journalists address timely...

Chapter Spotlight: Maine SSN Builds Relationships with State and Local Policymakers

“SSN scholars can bring real stories from real Mainers and real Maine families…The things we are trying to decide—when we can talk about it in terms...

Chapter Spotlight: Georgia SSN Collaborates with Civic Group to Fight Local Poverty

“Our focus is on policy research and network-building across the South, so we were excited to support these five scholars as they examine the...