

Experts Available: Biden Infrastructure Plan

If you're looking for experts to provide commentary and analysis for your coverage of President Biden's infrastructure plan, the following university...

Meet Our New Leaders: SSN Board and Management Team

Today, the Scholars Strategy Network is excited to announce six additions to our leadership team. Please join us in celebrating these exemplary...
Statue of Liberty

Experts Available: House Immigration Bills on Dreamers and Farmworkers

This week, the House of Representatives will vote on two immigration bills: the American Dream and Promise Act (regarding Dreamers) and the Farm...
Senate chamber

Experts Available: Violence Against Women Act

This week, the House of Representatives will vote on a reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). For reporters covering this bill, the...
gun sales

Experts available: House Vote on Universal Background Checks

This week, the House of Representatives is expected to vote on two bills regarding gun control that would create a universal background checks system...

Experts Available: PRO Act and Labor Unions

This week, the House of Representatives is expected to vote on the PRO Act regarding labor and unions in the U.S. For reporters covering this bill...

Experts Available: For the People Act and SCOTUS Voting Rights Cases

This week, voting rights in America hang in the balance. In the House, representatives will consider the For the People Act (H.R. 1), which would...

Experts Available: Equality Act

This week, the House of Representatives is set to vote on the Equality Act - a bill that would significantly expand protections against discrimination...

Member Spotlight: U.S. Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Commission

This week, we're spotlighting the U.S. Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Commission (H.Con.Res.100) - a resolution drafted and written by SSN...

Experts Available: Immigration Bill

Today, the White House announced a sweeping immigration bill which would create a pathway to citizenship, clear asylum applicant backlogs, and more...