

3 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on SCOTUS Immigration Case

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will be hearing United States v. Texas, an immigration case that challenges the Biden Administration's policy for...

New Member Spotlight: Andrew Pendola On Solving the Teacher Shortage

“Teachers do not leave the classroom because of low salary; they leave because they feel undervalued. They do not leave because of the students; they...
College campus

New Member Spotlight: Lara Perez-Felkner Tackles Inequality in STEM Education

“In order to best support STEM students, and especially, to help underserved students thrive in these programs and open the door for high-paying...
border patrol

3 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on Biden v. Texas

The Supreme Court is expected to make a decision on Biden v. Texas this Thursday, which will determine whether federal immigration law requires the...
Border patrol, migrants

3 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on Immigration Debate

The immigration debate has taken center stage in Washington DC yet again: this week the Supreme Court will be hearing arguments in Biden v. Texas...
texture file

Statement on University Obligations to Support Freedom of Discussion, Research, and Teaching

Freedom of research, responsible teaching, and civic engagement based on frank discussion are principles that all civically committed academics should...
supreme court

SCOTUS Census Case Explained by the Experts

On Monday, November 30th the US Supreme Court is hearing a case on whether or not the Trump Administration can exclude undocumented immigrants from...

Expert Spotlight: Lina-Maria Murillo

This week, news broke of a whistleblower complaint that alleges unwanted hysterectomies and other abuses against immigrant women at Immigration and...

Reopening Schools: Education During COVID-19 Explained by Experts

With the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact still being felt in every area of American life, rigorous reporting on the crisis remains vital. To meet this need...

Experts Available: COVID-19 Crisis Update

In March, Scholars Strategy Network consulted top experts in public health, economics, social inequalities, and more to make sense of the still...