

Scholar Spotlight: Christopher Uggen

This week's spotlight shines on Christopher Uggen, a criminologist whose research on felony disenfranchisement contributed to Florida's vote to...

Scholar Spotlight: Katherine Beckett

Katherine Beckett is this week's scholar spotlight for her impactful research on racial bias in capital punishment. Washington just ruled that the...

Scholar Spotlight: Elizabeth Matto

Youth voter turnout is consistently low, and research shows that faculty engagement can be one of the best ways to boost student engagement. This week...

Scholar Spotlight: Ezgi Yildiz

This week's spotlight is for Ezgi Yildiz, a recent SSN member and postdoctoral fellow at the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy. She met with United...
police cars

Scholar Spotlight: Hedwig Lee

Continuing our research highlight from last week, this week's Scholar Spotlight is Hedwig Lee, whose research contributed to a new study on police...

Scholar Spotlight: Frank Edwards

The public and the media have paid more attention to civilian deaths from police encounters, but solid statistics are hard to find because police...

Scholar Spotlight: Anita Larson

This week, we are spotlighting another new member to the SSN team, Anita Larson. Anita applies her knowledge of the public sector to study and develop...

Scholar Spotlight: David Blatt

This week's Scholar Spotlight highlights David Blatt, who analyzed the recent primary elections in Oklahoma, where dozens of teachers won after...

40 Professionals Sign Letter Supporting MA Civics Education Bill

BOSTON, MA – A cohort of 40 professors and educators have signed a letter to support the passage of S.2375, one of the nation’s most innovative civic...

New Scholar Spotlight: Nolan Cabrera

Each week, we highlight the work of one new scholar who is expanding SSN's mission and reach into new territories. This week, we welcome Nolan...