

Public Charge Rule: Experts Available on Immigration and Public Assistance

The Trump Administration this week released a sweeping new "public charge" rule that would deny green cards and permanent residency to documented...

Border Detention: Experts Available to Comment on House Hearing

The House Committee on Oversight and Reform is holding a hearing tomorrow featuring DHS and HHS Inspectors General, as well as members of Congress who...

Scholar Spotlight: Amy Blackstone

More people than ever are opting to forgo parenthood, discussing their choice openly despite lingering societal taboo. This week’s Scholar Spotlight...

2020 Presidential Candidate Debates: Issues Explained by Experts

With the debates on June 26th and 27th, the 2020 presidential election officially enters a new stage. As you prepare for your coverage of the debates...

Border Security: Immigration Policy Explained By Experts

On June 26 and 27th, Democratic presidential hopefuls face their first debate on a national stage. While the debates will cover a broad range of...

Scholar Spotlight: Anna Gassman-Pines and Liz Ananat

This week’s Scholar Spotlight highlights Anna Gassman-Pines and Liz Ananat, whose work on paid family leave in North Carolina led to a legislative...

Scholar Spotlight: Jennifer Greenfield

This week's spotlight shines on Jennifer Greenfield for her work surrounding Colorado's Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) program. Jennifer...

Scholar Spotlight: Heath Brown

This week's Scholar Spotlight is Heath Brown, who hosted a Birthright Citizenship discussion at the Tenement Museum last month. This NYC Chapter event...

Scholar Spotlight: Caitlyn Collins

This week's spotlight shines on Caitlyn Collins, whose new book about working mothers in America has caught the attention of the media. In “Making...
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How Young Immigrants, Communities, and States Benefit from President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

The Obama administration has instituted limited benefits for undocumented youth brought to this country as children – but legal battles in Texas have...