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The Supreme Court after Scalia

The abrupt death of conservative Justice Antonin Scalia is sending shockwaves through U.S. politics and legal worlds. Writing for the media and cited...
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Maybe President Obama Will Close Strong, after All

After sweeping GOP victories in 2014, Obama’s presidency was left for dead. But the President has since moved forward – negotiating a major climate...
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Outrage in U.S. Political Opinion Media

Mockery, fear, and personal attacks dominate blogs, television, and radio talk shows – especially on the right – making politics confusing and...
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Making Sense of the 2014 Elections

The 2014 elections brought a wipeout for Democrats and a romp for Republicans. Turnout was low, especially among Democratic constituencies, at a time...
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SSN’s 500th Member Focuses on the Roots of U.S. Urban Unrest

What do the continuing protests in Ferguson, Missouri have in common with the 1960s uprisings in many U.S. cities? Howard looks to history to explore...
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SSN Forum on the November 2014 Election

Moving beyond horse-race coverage, five SSN experts – Sheldon Goldman of the University of Massachusetts, Jacob S. Hacker of Yale University, Laurie L...
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No Longer Academic – A Family Tragedy Casts a Harsh Light on the U.S. Safety Net

Andrea Campbell learned indelible new lessons when a hit and run driver left her sister-in-law paralyzed. To carry on, a young couple that had no...
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SSN Forum on Support for America's Working Women

America’s women workers are vital contributors to the national economy – and to family budgets. But most struggle with inadequate pay, unpredictable...
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SSN Forum on the Immigration Impasse

Immigration reform is supported by businesses, churches, and most voters. In 2013 the U.S. Senate passed bipartisan reforms, but the GOP-led House has...
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SSN Forum on the Future of the Republican Party

Almost weekly, pundits intone last rites for the Tea Party. But GOP officeholders have bolted far right on almost every issue. And primary election...