

Experts Available: GM Strike

This week, nearly 50,000 General Motors (GM) employees across the country walked out after GM and the United Auto Workers (UAW) union failed to...

Scholar Spotlight: Amy Blackstone

More people than ever are opting to forgo parenthood, discussing their choice openly despite lingering societal taboo. This week’s Scholar Spotlight...

2020 Presidential Candidate Debates: Issues Explained by Experts

With the debates on June 26th and 27th, the 2020 presidential election officially enters a new stage. As you prepare for your coverage of the debates...

Border Security: Immigration Policy Explained By Experts

On June 26 and 27th, Democratic presidential hopefuls face their first debate on a national stage. While the debates will cover a broad range of...

Scholar Spotlight: Anna Gassman-Pines and Liz Ananat

This week’s Scholar Spotlight highlights Anna Gassman-Pines and Liz Ananat, whose work on paid family leave in North Carolina led to a legislative...
state government

Scholar Spotlight: Alexander Hertel-Fernandez

We elect state legislators to craft bills for us, but three large conservative groups have a huge influence in shaping - and even writing - these laws...

Scholar Spotlight: Jennifer Greenfield

This week's spotlight shines on Jennifer Greenfield for her work surrounding Colorado's Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) program. Jennifer...

Scholar Spotlight: Caitlyn Collins

This week's spotlight shines on Caitlyn Collins, whose new book about working mothers in America has caught the attention of the media. In “Making...
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SSN Forum on White-Collar Government

Does it matter that elites dominate Congress and other U.S. legislatures? Nicholas Carnes says yes, and five SSNers discuss his new book. Tom Mann...
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Can Citizen Campaigns and Voluntary Standards Make Business Socially Responsible?

As public regulations are weakened, voluntary groups are attempting to police business. But their campaigns are dependent on media coverage and easily...