

Experts Available: Tech Industry Antitrust Bills

This week, the House Judiciary Committee advanced six antitrust bills aimed at curbing the power and influence of the biggest tech companies in the...
covid vaccine

Experts Available: Vaccine Hesitancy and Next Steps

With vaccine supply starting to match or even outpace demand, many are wondering how we can reach communities and individuals who have not been...
nursing home

Experts Available: Biden Administration Vaccine Rollout

As the Biden-Harris Administration sets its agenda for its first one hundred days in office, Scholars Strategy Network has compiled a list of experts...
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Experts Available: Biden First 100 Days Agenda

As the Biden-Harris Administration sets its agenda for its first 100 days in office, Scholars Strategy Network has compiled a list of experts who are...

Scholar Spotlight: Amy Fried

This week's Scholar Spotlight is Amy Fried, who recently won the Career Recognition Award from the University of Maine's Rising Tide Center. The...
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Can Citizen Campaigns and Voluntary Standards Make Business Socially Responsible?

As public regulations are weakened, voluntary groups are attempting to police business. But their campaigns are dependent on media coverage and easily...