

Announcing the Legacies Project: Learning from Historically Black Colleges and Universities

For too long, higher education and other American institutions have excluded minority groups from full participation in U.S. society. Early Civil...

The Myth of Millionaire Tax Flight: A Public Talk with Cristobal Young

The economy is growing. Many are doing well. So why is it so difficult to get government to invest in things that could make communities stronger? Why...

Scholar Allyship with and for the Undocumented Community

In September, Tennessee SSN's postdoctoral fellow Sayil Camacho hosted a webinar about how the scholarly community can better support undocumented...
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2018-2020 Scholars Strategy Network Postdoctoral Fellows

SSN is proud to introduce its second cohort of Postdoctoral Fellows. Each of these Fellows are based at a university in one of the SSN chapters. For...
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Thank You to Our 2017-18 Graduate Fellows!

Regional and working groups in the Scholars Strategy Network choose a graduate student fellow each year. Our sixth class includes twenty-five young...
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The New Scholars Strategy Network Website

Welcome to our new online home! As of April 4th, 2018, the Scholars Strategy Network website has a new look and improved capabilities. This is the...
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Maybe President Obama Will Close Strong, after All

After sweeping GOP victories in 2014, Obama’s presidency was left for dead. But the President has since moved forward – negotiating a major climate...
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Making Sense of the 2014 Elections

The 2014 elections brought a wipeout for Democrats and a romp for Republicans. Turnout was low, especially among Democratic constituencies, at a time...
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SSN Forum on the November 2014 Election

Moving beyond horse-race coverage, five SSN experts – Sheldon Goldman of the University of Massachusetts, Jacob S. Hacker of Yale University, Laurie L...
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SSN Forum on Support for America's Working Women

America’s women workers are vital contributors to the national economy – and to family budgets. But most struggle with inadequate pay, unpredictable...