12 Experts Available on Midterm Election Administration, Turnout, and More

Director of Membership Engagement

With the midterm elections around the corner, the following university-based experts are available to offer commentary and analysis on a broad range of election-related issues, such as election administration, race and voter turnout, voter education, campaign finance, and more. 


University of Missouri-St. Louis
David Kimball

Expertise: Election administration 


Kimball's research examines election administration, voting behavior, public opinion, and interest groups in the United States. His election research examines election administration and the impact of election laws and institutions on voters. He has participated as an expert in several court cases related to election administration, voting rights, and redistricting. 



Stetson University

Expertise: Election law, campaign finance, gender and elections


Prior to joining Stetson's faculty, Torres-Spelliscy was counsel in the Democracy Program of the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law. She teaches Election Law, Constitutional Law, and the First Amendment. Torres-Spelliscy has testified before Congress as an expert on campaign finance. She has also helped draft Supreme Court briefs. Torres-Spelliscy is the author of two books: Corporate Citizen? An Argument for the Separation of Corporation and State Political Brands.



Rutgers University, New Brunswick

Expertise: Campaign finance, gender and elections


Sanbonmatsu's research interests include gender, race/ethnicity, parties, public opinion, state politics, and campaign finance. Her most recent book, coauthored with Kelly Dittmar and Susan J. Carroll, is A Seat at the Table: Congresswomen's Perspectives on Why Their Presence Matters



American University

Expertise: Voter education, nonpartisan education


Trogden has been working in the area of nonpartisan student voter engagement for the past decade, helping to strengthen the role of faculty and curriculum and to facilitate resource sharing among faculty, courses, and institutions. Trogden is on the steering committee for the Faculty Network for Student Voting Rights (FacNet), serving on subcommittees for tenure and promotion policies and for curricula and scholarship. In all her activities, she advocates for involvement of civic education in all disciplines to enable a healthy American democracy.



University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Amel Ahmed Headshot

Expertise: Election reform, recounts, contested elections, election legitimacy


Ahmed’s main area of expertise is the study of democratic institutions and particularly electoral systems. She is especially interested in how the “rules of the game” affect democratic outcomes: who participates, how influential certain groups are, and what are the policy consequences of these two issues.



Washington and Lee University
Mark Rush

Expertise: Election reform


Rush's research focuses on democracy, voting rights, and constitutional law around the world. Overarching themes in Rush's work address how globalization, modernization, and technological change force us to reconsider how we think about: democracy, fair elections, representation, human rights, the interaction between science and law, and liberal education and liberal democracy.



American University

Expertise: Race and voter turnout


Leighley's research focuses on American political behavior, voter turnout, media and politics, and racial/ethnic political behavior. Her most recent book, Who Votes Now? Demographics, Issues, Inequality, and Turnout in the United States, examines voter turnout in presidential elections from 1972 to 2008.



University of California, San Diego

Expertise: Race and voter turnout


Hajnal is a scholar of racial and ethnic politics, urban politics, immigration, and political behavior. He is the author of a range of books and articles on partisan politics, voter turnout, minority representation, and local spending. Hajnal has published in the American Political Science Review, the Journal of Politics, Public Opinion Quarterly, and numerous other journals, edited volumes, and newspaper editorial pages.



University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus

Expertise: Race and voter turnout, race and politics, local elections and voting behavior


Benjamin's research interests include Race and Politics, Local Elections and Voting Behavior, and Public Opinion. She serves on the Editorial Board of Urban Affairs Review and Political Research Quarterly.



Pennsylvania State University-University Park
Ray Block

Expertise: Race and voter turnout


Overarching themes in Block's writings include group differences in civic involvement, the formation and mutability of social identity, campaigns and elections, and other topics. He has published dozens of book chapters, manuscripts, and peer-reviewed journal articles and is co-author of Losing Power: African Americans and Racial Polarization in Tennessee Politics.



Melissa Michelson Headshot

Expertise: Race and voter turnout


Michelson's research focuses Latinx politics, voter mobilization experiments, and LGBTQ rights, and past president of the LGBT Caucus and of the Latino Caucus of the American Political Science Association. She is the award-winning author of six books, including Mobilizing Inclusion: Transforming the Electorate through Get-Out-the-Vote Campaigns  and, most recently, Transforming Prejudice: Identity, Fear, and Transgender Rights



Pomona College

Expertise: Race and voter turnout


Sadhwani's research focuses on voting behavior, elections, public opinion, public policy, and interest groups, with an emphasis on the representation of racial, ethnic and immigrant communities. Sadhwani's writings include Asian and Latino voting behavior and electoral institutions. Sadhwani serves on the 2020 Citizens Redistricting Commission for the State of California.