Jonathan Cohen
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About Jonathan
De Graauw's research focuses on immigration, civil society organizations, urban politics, government bureaucracies, and public policy, with a focus on understanding how governmental and nongovernmental organizations build institutional capacity for immigrant integration and representation.
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Provides a closer look at the shifting economic, cultural, religious, and political conditions that facilitated gambling’s expansion and prominence in American consumerism and popular culture.
Explores what scholars, critics, and other authors since the early 1970s have written concerning what I call the "rock-religion phenomenon," i.e. the religious constructions of rock music and the experiences of spirituality and contact with the numinous through rock music.
Reveals the evolution of Springsteen's political consciousness proves more complex than previously discussed.
Analyzes the conditions that prompted shutdowns in Freehold, illustrating the role of broader market forces as well as internal company dynamics in driving capital flight.
Explains how instances of religious expression by astronauts aboard NASA spacecraft present a unique encounter between American space policy and legal jurisprudence.