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About Christina
Barsky's research explores the nexus of citizen-state encounters on the front-lines of civil society; including, election administration, administrators, and the electoral process; the provision of public health services and the public health workforce; and, public confidence, satisfaction, and perceptions of policy implementation and implementers. Barsky's work examines innovative approaches to pedagogy. Prior to her academic career, Barsky's held leadership positions with a premier public affairs firm and a regional nonprofit collaborative. She continues serves as a research and strategy expert through her consultancy and was elected chair of her county election board in 2021.
In the News
Investigates the impact of emotional labor on election workers in this atmosphere. Uncovers the presence and nuances of emotional labor in election administration and raises questions about what this means for the future of election administration.
Offers a "how to" guide and explores pedagogical benefits of applied learning. Explores the many benefits students realize from applying principles taught in the research methods classroom to real-world projects.
Proves how analysis of self-reported learning offers a better understanding of how simulations can be used as a tool to augment student learning objectives and assess mastery of core public affairs principles. Offers strategies for empowering emerging policy leaders to respond effectively and ethically to public crises.
Explores Street-Level Bureaucrats in Montana Contrary to the national dialogue around the 2016 U.S. presidential election, findings of a state-wide poll find strong public confidence in the administration of the electoral process. Mentions in a large, rural state, this study provides a new framing of local election administrators as civic entrepreneurs.
Uses a sample of 605 registered voters in Missoula County, Montana, we develop an index documenting public confidence in election administration. Examines a different perspective of electoral processes - public perceptions of county level election administration.
Identifies key "big issues" including cuts to core public agencies, balanced budget requirements, and natural disasters and their impact on state fiscal condition.
Explores the policy and budget-making session of a divided government, this study explores one state's fiscal decisions as it expands Medicaid coverage under the Affordable Care Act.