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Henna Budhwani

Professor of Nursing, Florida State University
Chapter Member: Florida SSN

About Henna

Budhwani is an implementation scientist and sociobehavioral interventionist who conducts studies to address the causes and consequences of disparities among stigmatized populations that experience adverse health outcomes in resource-constrained settings. Her research is informed by sociological constructs, guided by human rights frameworks, and adopts a multidimensional view of how to address public health and clinical care gaps. She has methodological expertise in qualitative and mixed-methods research, mHealth and digital health interventions, and pragmatic clinical trial design. 


Challenging Assumptions about the Use of Contraception by U.S. Muslim Women

  • Kristine Ria Hearld

In the News

Quoted by Eric Wicklund in "UAB Launches mHealth Study To Boost Vaccine Acceptance Among Teens ," mHealth Intelligence Xtelligent Healthcare Media, November 12, 2020.
Quoted by Michael Merschel in "They Survived COVID-19, Then Faced Stigma," American Heart Association News, September 24, 2020.
Interviewed in "Dr. Henna Budhwani On Her $900,000 NIMH Research Grant," Hayat Life, December 28, 2019.
Quoted by Amy Stiftel-Sedlis in "The Compassion Experience: A Virtual Exhibit on Global Poverty," WBHM Public Radio, February 19, 2016.
Opinion: "A Stable Energy Source is Vital in Alleviating Issues in Impoverished Countries," Henna Budhwani,, October 1, 2014.


"Preliminary Study on HIV Status Disclosure to Perinatal Infected Children: Retrospective Analysis of Administrative Records From a Pediatric HIV Clinic in the Southern United States" (with Lori Mills, Lauren E. B. Marefka, Sequoya Eady, Van T. Nghiem, and Tina Simpson). BMC Research Notes 13, no. 253 (2020).

Discusses how The World Health Organization recommends disclosing HIV-status between 6 and 12 years; American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children are informed at “school age.” Mentions how neither suggests an optimal age when children should learn of their status to improve viral load suppression.

"Healthy Choices Intervention is Associated with Reductions in Stigma Among Youth Living with HIV in the United States (ATN 129)" (with Gabriel Robles, Tyrel J. Starks, Karen Kolmodin MacDonell, Veronica Dinaj, and Sylvie Naar). Aids and Behavior 4 (2020): 1094-1102.

Evaluates effects of the Healthy Choices intervention on HIV-related stigma among YLWH. Analyzes data from the Adolescent Medicine Trials Network protocol 129, multi-site randomized controlled trial applying latent growth curve modeling with two linear slopes estimating changes in Berger's Stigma Scale pre-intervention, 16, 28, and 52 weeks post-intervention, as well as the trajectory of stigma scores over the follow-up period (N = 183).

"Feasibility of Ethyl Glucuronide Nail Testing Biomarker for Alcohol Use Among Youth Living With HIV" (with Veronica Dinaj , Angela J Jacques-Tiura, Amy L Pennar , and Sylvie Naar ). Journal of Adolescent Health (2021).

Assesses the feasibility of the ethyl glucuronide biomarker (EtG) through nail sampling to measure alcohol use among youth living with HIV in the United States. Evaluates concordance between this EtG biomarker and self-reported measures of alcohol use.

"Creating COVID-19 Stigma by Referencing the Novel Coronavirus As the “Chinese Virus” on Twitter: Quantitative Analysis of Social Media Data" (with Ruoyan Sun). Journal of Medical Internet Research 22, no. 5 (2020).

Assesses if there was an increase in the prevalence and frequency of the phrases “Chinese virus” and “China virus” on Twitter after the March 16, 2020, US presidential reference of this

"Restrictive Abortion Laws Exacerbate Stigma, Resulting in Harm to Patients and Providers" (with Janet M. Turan). American Journal of Public Health 111, no. 1 (2021): 37-39.

Discusses abortion related stigmas and the psychological harms it creates. Elaborates on stereotypes.

"Muslim Women's Use of Contraception in the United States" (with Kristine Ria Hearld and Jami Anderson). Reproductive Health 15, no. 1 (2018).

Examines American Muslim women's contraception utilization patterns. Suggests that American Muslim women's contraception utilization patterns share certain similarities with both American women in general and disadvantaged racial and ethnic minority groups in the United States, implying that factors that influence American Muslim women's use of contraceptives are possibly countervailing and likely multifaceted.

"Transgender Women's Drug Use in the Dominican Republic" (with Kristine Ria Hearld, Adrienne N. Milner, Elaine McGlaughlin, Rebecca Charow, Mayra Rodriguez-Lauzurique, Santo Rosario, and Robert Paulino-Ramirez). Transgender Health 2, no. 1 (2017).

Examines associations between stigma, trauma, and drug use in a national sample of transgender women from the Dominican Republic.

"Muslim Women's Experiences with Stigma, Abuse, and Depression: Results of a Sample Study Conducted in the United States" (with Kristine Ria Hearld). Journal of Women's Health 26, no. 5 (2017).

Explores associations between internalized stigma, exposure to physical abuse, experiences with sexual abuse, and depression in Muslim women residing in the United States.

"Transgender Female Sex Workers; HIV Knowledge, Experienced Stigma, and Condom Use in the Dominican Republic" (with Kristine Ria Hearld, Julia Hasbun, Rebecca Charow, Santo Rosario, Louise Tillotson, Elaine McGlaughlin, and John Waters). Public Library of Science One (2017).

Assesses associations between their HIV knowledge, experienced stigma, and condom use across three partner types.

"Transgender Women's Experiences with Stigma, Trauma, and Attempted Suicide in the Dominican Republic" (with Kristine Ria Hearld, Adrienne N. Milner, Rebecca Charow, Elaine M. McGlaughlin, Mayra Rodriguez-Lauzurique, Santo Rosario, and Robert Paulino-Ramirez). Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior (2017).

Examines the relationships between stigma, trauma, and suicide attempts in a national sample of transgender women from the Dominican Republic.